2025 Resident Meeting
This is not the official HOA meeting according to our by-laws, where board members are selected. This is a meeting of residents as equals, to discuss the state of our neighborhood and how it can be improved. The official meeting will be held over Zoom where we will all be muted again.
The meeting was scheduled for January 11th, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, but was canceled at the last minute because the roads were icy and there was a Georgia state of emergency in place. The weather report is listing snow again on the 17th, so we're trying to figure out a new way to do this.
Should we schedule the police room again? Should we try to do this over zoom? We could also do a mix, where a couple of us host whoever wants to meet in person and we put up zoom on a projector. There aren't any leaders here, so let us know.
Anyone can speak at the meeting, but lets try to respect each others' time. Some people bought in an HOA neighborhood because that's all that exists, and some people sought out an HOA neighborhood because they dig on conformity and rules. Neither group is going to change their mind, and 29 speeches rehashing the adhesion contract question isn't useful.